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The MdAPA PA of the Year is presented to a PA who has recently gone above and beyond the call of duty in their service to their patients, community, and the profession.

Criteria include:

·        Current MdAPA Member

·        Preference for nomination by a current MdAPA member

·        Must be in clinical practice for a minimum of 3 years, currently practicing within state of Maryland

·        Nominators may be asked to provide evidence of the PA’s contribution to society and/or healthcare systems (volunteering, precepting/pre-PA student shadowing, serving within AAPA, local government etc to help raise awareness of PA profession)

·        Preference to individuals who have not received this award previously 

·        Must be in good standing with Maryland Board of Physicians and have shown commitment to AAPA statement of values

·        Nominees cannot be currently serving on the MdAPA Board of Directors, be a Maryland representative to the AAPA House of Delegates, be a MdAPA committee chairman, or be on the MdAPA Awards Committee


This award honors a PA-Physician team that exemplifies the unique relationship of trust and mutual respect that is essential to the team-based approach to healthcare. This collaboration allows both the PA and the physician to provide greater care than either one would be able to do alone. Further the physician must demonstrate a commitment to the PA profession via actions that advocate for and empower PAs to work to the fullest scope of practice 

Criteria include:

·        At least one member of the PA team must be a current member of MdAPA in good standing

·        The team must have worked together for a minimum of one year

·        The team may constitute multiple physicians and PAs working together, or a single physician and PA

·        Preference for nomination by a current MdAPA member

·        Team must be practicing in Maryland

·        Recipients must be of good moral character and in good standing with the Maryland Board of Physicians

·        Nominees cannot be currently serving on the MdAPA Board of Directors, be a Maryland representative to the AAPA House of Delegates, be an MdAPA committee chairman, or be on the MdAPA Awards Committee


This award recognizes a PA who has demonstrated praiseworthy behavior in his/her role as a PA educator. The PA selected for this award exhibits behavior and traits which reflect favorably on him/herself and on the PA profession. Through designation of the title “MdAPA PA Educator of the Year,” the academy seeks not only to honor the individual PA but also to provide an example to the public and healthcare community of a PA who promotes and excels in the education of PAs.

Criteria include:

 “PA educator” is a broad term which includes but is not limited to: PA program faculty, student preceptors, and unofficial mentors in the workplace

Preference will be given to those educating PAs, but may extend their educator role to other healthcare professions as well

·        Preference for nomination by a current MdAPA member

·        Current member of MdAPA in good standing

·        Must be in good standing with Maryland Board of Physicians and have shown commitment to AAPA statement of values

·        Nominees cannot be currently serving on the MdAPA Board of Directors, be a Maryland representative to the AAPA House of Delegates, be an MdAPA committee chairman, or be on the MdAPA Awards Committee


The MdAPA Humanitarian & Service Award seeks to recognize a PA who has shown incredible service to the community, providing care to the most vulnerable and underserved populations, and/or populations in crisis. This service may have been provided anywhere inside or outside of the United States, but no matter the location, there is a clear dedication to human rights and expanding access to care.  

Criteria include:

·        Must show consistent dedication to providing accessible healthcare to underserved populations, going “above and beyond”, who may also have participated in disaster response or other humanitarian missions  

·        Must be a current MdAPA member in good standing

·        Must be in practice for at least 3 years OR have had significant outreach during their clinician rotations in PA school

·        Preference will be given to individuals who have provided care to the residents of Maryland

·        Preference for nomination by a current MdAPA member

·        Cannot have won the award previously 

·        Must be in good standing with Maryland Board of Physicians and have shown commitment to AAPA statement of values

·        Nominees cannot be currently serving on the MdAPA Board of Directors, be a Maryland representative to the AAPA House of Delegates, be an MdAPA committee chairman, or be on the MdAPA Awards Committee


The MdAPA “Rising Star” Early Career Award recognizes a PA who has proven themselves exemplary in the first 1 to 3 years of their practicing PA career. This can be through any combination of the following:

·        Excellence providing healthcare to communities on the local, national or international level

·        A history of excellence in PA school

·        Leadership which encourages involvement in PA organizations and professional development of others

·        Actions which reflect and promote the role of PAs as pivotal members of the healthcare team

·        Volunteerism (especially in underserved communities)

Criteria include:

·        Practicing for 1-3 years

·        Must be a current MdAPA member in good standing

·        Currently practicing in Maryland

·        Preference for nomination by a current MdAPA member

·        Cannot have won the award previously 

·        Must be in good standing with Maryland Board of Physicians and have shown commitment to AAPA statement of values

·        Nominees cannot be currently serving on the MdAPA Board of Directors, be a Maryland representative to the AAPA House of Delegates, be an MdAPA committee chairman, or be on the MdAPA Awards Committee


This award recognizes a PA who has exhibited the highest professional qualities both as a PA in general and through involvement with MdAPA or other state organizations during their lifetime. This award is open to all MdAPA members. The nominee must be in good standing with Maryland Board of Physicians and have shown commitment to AAPA statement of values

Criteria include:

Candidate has demonstrated consistent adherence to the highest principles of PA practice over a significant amount of their professional lifetime. Evidence should include as many of the following as possible: 

·        At least 15 years of employment as a PA. 

·        Letters of recommendation/commendation from supervisors. 

·        Testimonials of colleagues, patients or others familiar with professional work. 

·        Evidence of achievements and awards for professional activities. 

·        Evidence of voluntary work which is directly related to healthcare or which brings positive recognition to the candidate as a PA. 

Candidate has shown significant involvement with MdAPA or other state organizations over a lengthy amount of time. Evidence may include any of the following: 

·        Documentation of membership in MdAPA or other state organizations of at least 10 years. 

·        Documentation of active involvement at Board, Committee, or Delegate level with participation in MdAPA or other state organization’s projects. 

·        Candidate has shown involvement in professional development as a PA in areas other than state organization involvement. Evidence may include documentation of professional activities on national, state, local, and/or employer level including any of these activities:  

·        Involvement with employer on committees, boards, and other areas of professional development. 

·        Service with AAPA national or regional committees, offices and caucuses. 

·        Involvement as a PA with municipal, county or state government organizations or other non-employer health-related institutions, such as representative role with the Maryland Board of Physicians

·        Service with health-related institutions.

Candidate has shown intellectual or educational achievement as a PA. Evidence may include the following: 

·        Attainment of advanced degree which is directly related to health care or PA professional development. 

·        Involvement with PA education. This may include teaching PA students, mentoring PA students, and career guidance to prospective PA students. 

·        Involvement with health education in general. This may include teaching other health professionals in a formal setting. 

·        Publication of scholarly healthcare articles or articles which are directly related to the PA profession. 

·        Educational lectures on the state, national, and/ or international level


Evie Wollman was one of the first PAs in the state of Maryland. She was a pioneer with a positive attitude and great work ethic. Unfortunately, she lost her battle with cancer at a young age. A scholarship was funded in her honor because of her passion for PA education and the PA profession. The MdAPA Board of Directors and general membership continue to fund the scholarship to memorialize Evie and keep her spirit alive in the PA community.


  1. Second year PA student
  2. Current Maryland resident, enrolled in any Maryland PA Program
  3. Current MAPA member (an application and fee for membership must be sent with scholarship application for non-members)
  4. Completed application must be postmarked by: August 1

Documentation for the following 5 components to be considered for this scholarship: 

I.  Personal Information (type or print legibly):

  • Name:
  • MAPA number (or note application submission):
  • E-mail address:
  • Address:
  • Home phone:
  • Alternate phone number:
  • Maryland residency duration (years/months):
  • PA Program:
  • Anticipated Graduation Date:

II.  Official Transcript:
Please submit an official* transcript from the Physician Assistant Program/institution in which you are enrolled.  *An unofficial can be sent with the application if this is pending, but must be received prior to the submission deadline.

III.  Community Service/Volunteer Experience:
Please provide the name of the organization where the community service/volunteerism was performed below:

  • Organization:
  • Contact person:
  • Contact phone:
  • Dates of Volunteer Service (years/months):
  • Approximate hours per month:
  • Brief description of duties/activities:

IV.  Narrative/Essay:
In 500 words or less (typed, double-spaced), please describe the impact of your first year of PA school on your view of modern medical practice or the PA profession. Please enclose this narrative as a separate sheet of paper in the application, but do NOT place any personal identifying information on the page to ensure anonymity amongst committee reviewers.

V.  Letter of Good Reference & Good Standing
Please have a letter of reference and good standing on PA Program official letterhead from the Program Director or Senior Faculty in your program emailed to or prior to the deadline.

MdAPA Annual Awards

Each year MdAPA announces a call for nominations for a variety of awards to recognize Maryland PA professionals for their contributions and outstanding dedication to the healthcare industry. Selection criteria for each award was updated and approved in 2021.  MdAPA members are welcome to nominate an individual for one of the following awards each year. Click on an award to review the selection criteria or download the following document, MdAPA Awards Criteria document.

Nominate Someone Today.

Nominate for the Evie Wollman Memorial Scholarship Application

For more information, email or management@mdapa.orgApplications for 2024 are due August 1, 2024.

Annual Award Opportunities

PA of the Year   

PA – Physician Team Award

PA Educator of the Year

Humanitarian and Service Award

“Rising Star” Early Career Award

Lifetime Achievement Award

Evie Wollman Memorial Scholarship Application 

PO Box 1252 Millersville, MD 21108


NEW phone number: (240) 207-1873

Mailing address: 8100 Three Chopt Road, OMG Suite 226, Richmond, VA 23229

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