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MdAPA’s Legislative Affairs committee current director is Jennifer Grover, DHSc, MMS, PA-C. The PA practice act is outdated to current practice and is detrimental the allowing PAs to practice consistent with their education and training.  

We are always in need of PA advocates to address the growing need for parity within the medical field. Knowing your legislator is an important part of addressing the issues concerning PA practice in Maryland. If you are interested in helping further by serving on the legislative committee, contact the Legislative Director, Jennifer Grover, DHSc, MMS, PA-C at

Choose any of the submenu items under Advocacy to learn more about MdAPA's PAC, and about all of the work our organization is doing to make sure YOUR voice is heard with our elected officials.

PO Box 1252 Millersville, MD 21108


NEW phone number: (240) 207-1873

Mailing address: 8100 Three Chopt Road, OMG Suite 226, Richmond, VA 23229

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