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Please pardon our appearance as we make updates to our website. We hope to bring a better website experience for our members in the near future!

There are currently over 2000 Physician Assistants practicing in the state of Maryland, which has one of the best practice environments in the country. Healthcare in Maryland is renowned, with such institutions as Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland. It has one of the highest per capita ratio of physicians in the United States. If you’re thinking about moving to Maryland,  you may want to review our website to find out more about our state and its laws. Maryland is a wonderful place to live and work.

If you are interested in applying for a license from the state regulatory agency, the Maryland Physician Board, you may download a license application.  After you have your license and have obtained a position, you must file a Delegation Agreement before beginning work. This agreement attests to the partnership between you and the supervising physician and may outline any “special duties or procedures” you may be asked to perform.  After downloading a Delegation Agreement, you and your supervising physician should fill out the appropriate sections and return it as directed.  Note that there is a deadline each month for filing your agreement which will allow it to be reviewed that month. See our Calendar for a list of deadlines.

PO Box 1252 Millersville, MD 21108


NEW phone number: (240) 207-1873

Mailing address: 8100 Three Chopt Road, OMG Suite 226, Richmond, VA 23229

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